Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Creativity is key...

I overheard a conversation yesterday that unnerved me, and at the same time surprised me. It was between two agents, one encouraging another to tell their buyer not to make an offer on a home because it was a repossessed home and may not be able to have a government insured loan on it. I was surprised and then realized why my team thrives. We never tell a customer "no" or that they "can't" do something. It is part of our company, our mission statement..

 Win-Win                 Or no deal

Integrity                 Do the right thing

Customers             Always come first

Commitment          In all things

Communication     Seek first to understand

Creativity              Ideas before results

Teamwork             Together everyone achieves more

Trust                      Starts with honesty

Success                  Results through people

After little more than a decade in this business I would have to say that this is the first time that I have seen a more restrictive mortgage market that is causing issues for Buyers & Sellers alike, but I am telling you now this is not the time to back down. There are reasons that certain real estate agents thrive during these times.

Our customers are always given all the facts, but they are the ones in control of their real estate decisions not us. This does not always lead me down the path of least resistance or the easiest deals, but our customers always get what they want. I do not make the market, nor do I make decisions for clients. That is not my job.

Before you tell a collegue or a customer "no", try to think outside the box. Think about what is right for the customer, let them make the choice. Frequently, you will find that there is a solution to almost any challenge and everyone will learn from that process. This will help everyone in your market begin to be open to the possibilities that exist and set you apart as a leader. Every agent in my market is my co-worker & will be that wherever they hang their license.